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Aims & Scope

Hi, I am Professor Anil Aggrawal, Professor of Forensic Medicine at the Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi-110002. I am married to a professor of chemistry and have a son (born 1984). I am interested in interacting with people who are interested in forensic medicine, pathology and toxicology. My home address is S-299 Greater Kailash-1, New Delhi-110048, India. My phone numbers are 26465460 and 26413101. My Email is dr_anil@hotmail.com.

I have always felt that forensic personnel are very creative. They write a lot, and often want to share their experiences with other persons of their profession. Sadly however only a limited number of journals are being published which solely cater to articles on forensic medicine and toxicology. A number of times, a little but useful experience of a forensic pathologist or toxicologist can not be converted into a valid paper, yet that experience could be very useful for the rest of us. A minor technique, a minor incision, which a forensic pathologist has discovered or found useful in his experience may not always be possible to be converted into a paper, yet could be very useful to the rest of us, if we had a means to know about that experience. For a long time, I had acutely felt the need for a forum, where such experiences could be shared.

Internet provides a very good answer to the above problem. Now forensic personnel do not have to look anywhere to have their experiences, their statistical data and even proper full length papers (even with color photographs!) published. They can have them hosted here on the internet on this site.

With the coming of the internet, I conceived the idea of an Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology to address these problems. Although mainly started with the above mentioned intentions, now the input of papers from all parts of the world has increased so much, that we are including proper full length papers too in this internet journal, even with color photographs. We have enough space on this website, and thus there are virtually no constraints. The paper could be lengthy (if the author feels his ideas can not be put across in shorter length), can have virtually unlimited number of photographs (which can be hosted in color!) and so on. This journal has only an electronic existence, and their is no corresponding journal on paper. In this respect, this journal probably has the honor of being the first of its kind in the world. This journal is being visited by several people daily, who not only read the papers, but add their own experiences related to the paper in the guest books maintained at the bottom of each paper. Thus with time, the experiences of several people on a given subject accumulate, and each one of us can benefit from the collected wisdom of all of us. Best of all, you can mention these papers in your CVs as they have the same validity as any other paper in a traditionally printed journal. These papers can be included as references by your peers in their own papers, monographs, chapters, books or encyclopaedias. To see how these papers can be sited, please visit any paper and see its reference at the top.

If you have an interesting forensic paper (or experience), you may want to send it (and related photos if there are any) to me both by E-mail and by ordinary snail mail. Please scan the pictures at 300 dpi. Don't worry if you are uncomfortable at scanning pictures. Simply send the pictures to me by ordinary mail, and I will scan them for you. For ordinary mail, please use the following address.

Professor Anil Aggrawal (Editor-in-Chief)
Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
S-299 Greater Kailash-1
New Delhi-110048

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